Investing in your business relationships, with Tracey Warren


Tracey Warren’s firm belief that community is the key to success in life and business has led her to become the founder and CEO of InSpark Coworking and the driving force behind the “Ignite Your Champions'' movement. She’s also an author and a motivational speaker with a penchant for content creation and supporting women in business. 

In this episode, Tracey shares her thoughts on community building, the power of manifesting, and learning from failure. She also talks about how her coworking space came to be, and we envision a prom-like networking event for entrepreneurs.

Top takeaways:

1️⃣ Cultivating community requires making investments in the people around you.

2️⃣ When you invest in community, everything gets easier.

3️⃣ Giving voice to your big ideas can inspire your community to rally around you.

4️⃣ No entrepreneur has it all figured out. We’re all making it up as we go.

Connect with Tracey at:


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